Is shopping a necessity or fun? A study of Durbanites’ shopping behaviour

A. Katrodia

Vol 16 | Issue 2 pp. 36-44


The study  of individuals’ attitude  toward  certain  behaviour is imperative  in the formulation of strategies in business. A marketer strives  to assess consumer behaviour and  factors  that motivate  individuals  to shop  from various  places, and  this information  is helpful in the development of marketing approaches. Researchers  are  interested in diverse aspects of decisions and  motives  that drive individuals  towards certain  conduct, as well as the choices of shopping methods. There  is no doubt  that modern technology has  contributed to significant  changes in the manner in which people shop.  Online shopping and the introduction of malls are the most recent developments that have  transformed both the pattern and motivation for shopping among the modern generations. However,  an overarching question that often arises in the assessment of shopping behaviour relates to whether it is fun or a necessity. The study  attempts to unveil the rationale for shopping based on key motivating  factors  to determine whether individuals  shop  because it is necessary or it is due  to the  entertainment involved.  The  understanding of the  reasons for different  shopping behaviour will help investors to develop effective  strategies for attracting customers as well as creating favourable experiences to optimise  the  satisfaction. To understand the  dominant motives  for shopping, the  study  evaluates the shopping behaviour of people from Durban  in South  Africa, focusing  on the contribution  of the extent  of fun and necessity on individual attitudes towards shopping. A comprehensive theoretical review will be conducted to identify the findings  of previous studies about  the relationship between the perception of necessity and  entertainment and shopping behaviour. The value  that customers derive  from their shopping activities  is often classified as economic or hedonic, to facilitate the analysis of the effect of introduction  of recreational facilities on the frequency of purchase as well as market  share. In this paper, income,  education and  age  are  used as independent variables to study  the influence  of entertainment on shopping behaviour.

Keywords:       Shopping, shopping behaviour, Durban,  South Africa

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