Copyright terms and copyright form

The Copyright Agreement Form can be downloaded here and should accompany the manuscript’s initial submission.

If accepted for publication by the Retail and Marketing Review (RMR) the author(s) agrees that:

  1. The submitted manuscript is his/her/their own original work, and has not been plagiarized from any prior work,
  2. All authors participated in the work in a substantive way, and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work,
  3. All authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted,
  4. The manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere,
  5. The text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone. To this end, all required permissions of publishers and authors to use copyrighted material where required, are to be submitted to the editor upon submission of the manuscript.
  6. The RMR will publish the content under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license that gives permission to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as well as remix, transform and build upon the material by providing appropriate credit to the original work.
  7. In line with the Open Access format according to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), the author(s) are allowed to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, adapt, remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially provided the manuscript is always identified as having first been published by the RMR. Such license shall be effective when the manuscript is first published in the RMR.
  8. The author(s) indemnify the RMR and the editors of the Journals, and hold them harmless from any loss, expense or damage occasioned by a claim or suit by a third party for copyright infringement, or any suit arising out of any breach of the foregoing warranties as a result of publication of their manuscript.
  9. The author(s) warrant that the manuscript contains no libelous or unlawful statements and does not contain material or instructions that might cause harm or injury.
  10. The Copyright Agreement Form must be signed/ratified by all authors and submitted concurrently with the original submission of the manuscript to the editor. Separate copies of the form (completed in full) may be submitted by authors located at different institutions; however, all signatures must be original and authenticated.