The impact of Retailer Xs’ consumer-based brand equity on the intention of its consumers to purchase meat products : a survey of FMCG stores in the southern suburbs of Cape Town

H. Buys, P. Hawinkels, T. Shaw, and P. Pillay

Vol 16 | Issue 2 pp. 45-63


Products within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry form an integral part of consumers’ daily lives. Moreover, previous literature has suggested a relationship between Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) and purchase intention. However, there is a gap in current literature for an in-depth analysis of one brand in relation to a single product group. Thus, the impact of Retailer Xs’ CBBE on its consumers’ intention to purchase red meat products as an FMCG was investigated. The CBBE conceptual model formed the theoretical underpinning of this study and was used to evaluate Retailer X, through its dimensions of brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. A causal conclusive research design was used with a sampling technique of non-probability convenience and a Randomised Block Design. This study was based in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town as Retailer Xs’ target market falls between LSM 8-10, with revenue per capita being dominated by consumers who live in this area. Findings of this study established that Retailer X’s CBBE had a significant positive aggregate relationship with purchase intention. Furthermore, it was determined that an interdependent relationship existed between the individual CBBE dimensions, which conformed to previous literature. This study aimed to garner value for FMCG marketing managers by providing recommendations. Furthermore, the study was unique in nature as it quantified the interdependent nature of the CBBE dimensions with their respective explanatory power, which is a method not frequently cited in current literature. Therefore, the findings of this research had both practical and academic applications.

Keywords:        Retail, fast-moving consumer goods, consumer-based brand equity, purchase intention, perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association

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