Store image through the eyes of the retail manager.

Prof Johannes A Wiid

Vol 18 | Issue 2 pp. 18-34


The purpose of the research is to identify Retail Managers’ perception regarding store image dimensions including store appearance, frontline staff, merchandise display and in-store experience of customer service by following a secret shopping methodology. The data were analysed through structural equation modelling (SEM) using SmartPLS software version 3. Descriptive analysis shows that average mean values of store appearance and merchandise are above good rating, indicating less improvements are required. However, average mean values of frontline staff and in-store experience are below good rating, indicating more improvements are required. The structural model analysis shows that store appearance, frontline staff and in-store experience of customer service, and merchandise are significantly related to the higher order latent construct, store image. It has implications for retail marketers regarding the effective design and implementation of retail service in terms of store appearance, frontline staff, merchandise and in-store experience.

Keywords: secret shopping, retail manager, retail stores, store image, customer service, merchandise; South Africa

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