The Retail and Marketing Review journal (previously known as the “International Retail and Marketing Review” serves as an international and interdisciplinary scholarly forum for sharing insightful and original research and promoting debate in the rapidly developing and converging fields of marketing and retailing.
The journal is a double blind peer-reviewed refereed journal. The journal publishes original research in all fields of business as well as disciplines that relate to the field of business. The Journal is bi-annually in June/July and November/December only in online versions. Topics covered include Socially responsibility issues, accounting practices, human resource implications for businesses, marketing, advertising, branding, retail strategy, return on investment, impact of natural disasters, training and education, and many more areas which can be related to the operations of a business.
Good news for all our contributors! The Retail and Marketing Review is now included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and African Journals Online (AJOL).