Management of mobile online customer reviews to enhance customer satisfaction in the higher education sector

Obvious Tine, Dr M. Humbani

Vol 19 | Issue 2 pp. 54-69


The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between the independent variables (responsiveness, credibility, reliability, commitment, and empathy) and the dependent variable in the study (satisfaction). A cross-sectional quantitative survey was undertaken to uncover students’ perceptions of online customer reviews and to explore the factors that influence how managers respond to these students’ online reviews through the lens of the social exchange and the justice theories. Data from 244 respondents were collected through an online survey. Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypotheses and to investigate gender differences in satisfaction with online customer reviews. Results indicated that the strongest predictor of customer satisfaction is commitment, followed by empathy. Responsiveness, reliability, and credibility factors were found to be insignificant in influencing customer satisfaction in an education context. No significant differences existed between men and women with regard to any of the contributing factors relating to satisfaction with online customer reviews. Thus, the study provides information that can potentially influence managers of higher education institutions to invest in open communication channels and platforms that effectively engage students, thereby creating positive experiences. Positive experiences culminate in customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Online customer reviews, responsiveness, empathy, credibility, reliability, commitment, customer satisfaction, justice theory, social exchange theory

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