Taxonomy of digital signage message execution and media placement considerations

E.M. Xaba, A.T. Roux, and G.A.P. Drotsky

Vol 16 | Issue 1 pp. 11-25


Digital signage is a  commercial  promising  field in marketing.  Yet, it is a little researched topic, with an  incomplete understanding of the factors to consider when planning digital signage message executions or media placements. There is no systematic, cohesive foundation to describe and study the features of this promising contemporary digital platform. This paper addresses an academic-practitioner divide by developing an orderly categorisation of digital  signage message  execution and  media   placement  considerations  and  research. It offers  a  well-ordered conceptualisation of digital signage types and guidelines for selecting content types, formats, display quality and technical interactive designs. The resulting taxonomy is of relevance to retailers and marketers aiming to optimise utilitarian or hedonic value. Some guidance for prospect research is provided, particularly assessing the varies opportunities  offered  by different digital signage  content  types;  designing experiments compare  the effectiveness of digital display quality, sizes,  placement and designs at different locations. The possible obstacles of interactive  digital signage also deserve future research.

Keywords:       out-of-home  advertising  media,  media  planning,  way-finder technologies, digital marketing, advertising, communication

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