F.M. Mgiba
Vol 16 | Issue 2 pp. 18-35
The purpose of this study was to address ethical issues of privacy, information security, discrimination, and diversity concerns in the Artificial intelligence context, and to show how they relate to customers’ loyalty intentions. The outcome sought was the development of a conceptual model that relates these themes to the actions of marketing management practitioners. An extensive review of literature on Persuasive technology, Social penetration, and Transforming wellbeing theories formed the basic structure for this study. After reviewing and synthesizing empirical literature on the major themes, and linking them to the constructs extracted from the grounding theories, the author generated a list of propositions that relate them to each other and the constructs. These propositions led to the development of a conceptual model. Researchers that deal with ethical issues and new technology can empirically test this model. The conceptualized model extends the explanatory powers of these grounding theories, by showing how they can improve business practices under the fourth industrial revolution era. This can aid management practitioners on artificial intelligence management strategies, and mitigate negative consequences related to the application of advanced technologies in business. This study is based on the literature, and, therefore, carries with it all the limitations that are inherent in the articles accessed. Generalizing the proposals need to take into account the fact that the proposed framework has not yet been subjected to empirical testing.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, management practices, ethical behavior, customer loyalty
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