T. Musasa and P. Moodley
Vol 16 | Issue 2, pp. 97-108
Contemporary literature challenges use of American and European based consumer decision-making styles (CDMS) inventories to African developing economies. Several reasons contribute to such criticism which include different contexts of research, unique cultures and customs, evolution of generations and macro-economic changes. Likewise, this study challenges the conventional styles inventory by Sproles and Kendall and develops a more suitable one for a South African context. The aim of this study is to develop a suitable consumer decision-making styles (CDMS) inventory of South African millennials in their purchasing of clothing items. Moreover, the study intends to determine additional dimensions to the traditional CDMS inventory by Sproles and Kendall to one that is reflective of a multi-cultural society in South Africa. A total of 320 South African millennials successfully participated in this study’s quantitative survey. Convenience non-probability sampling was employed in selecting participants. Reliability statistics were utilised in testing the reliability of the study’s measuring tool. Data was analysed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in interpreting data. The empirical findings of this study confirmed an eight-factor consumer styles inventory characteristic of South African Generation Y consumers. These were value consciousness, indifferent price consciousness, confused by over-choice decision making style, high quality fashion consciousness, recreational consciousness, brand consciousness, creative-variety seeking decision making styles and habitual buying. The study identifies some unique dimensions and reflective of a multicultural society in South Africa which are indifferent price consciousness, high quality fashion consciousness and creative-variety seeking decision making style.
Keywords: Consumer Styles Inventory (CSI), Consumer decision-making styles (CDMS), Generation Y, millennials and South Africa (SA)
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