The implications of consumer protection legislation on promotional strategies of retail businesses

Marlini Moodley, Karunanidhi Reddy, Darry Penceliah

Volume 18 | Issue 2 pp. 34-52


The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA) was designed to prevent businesses from gaining a competitive advantage by engaging in unfair business practices in South Africa. The CPA is meant to protect consumers especially from unfair and unscrupulous practices that were used previously. The overall aim of the study was to evaluate the implications of the CPA on promotional strategies of retail businesses in Durban. The study adopts both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Data was collected through a survey using questionnaires and structured interviews were also conducted with marketing managers and business owners. The study’s findings indicate that while the businesses in the sample have been complying with the provisions of the CPA, specific provisions of the CPA have impacted on their promotional strategies. Previously used methods of marketing, such as emails and SMSs, have been replaced with new methods and this has resulted in an increase in their promotion’s expenditure.

Keywords: Consumer Protection Act, CPA, CPA and marketing, CPA compliance and promotions, promotional strategies, promotions expenditure.

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