Factors influencing the purchasing behaviour of sports apparel consumers in Johannesburg

Sive Maqula, Dr. Ankit Katrodia

Vol 19 | Issue 1 pp. 1-12

doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8210759


The purpose of this paper was to determine the factors that influence the purchasing behaviour of Generation X and Y sports apparel consumers in Johannesburg. This was achieved by using the theory of planned behaviour. Understanding why customers buy specific products presents an opportunity for companies to design marketing communications strategies that will ensure more customer buying decisions. Quantitative research methods were used in this study. In total, 70 responses were obtained. Based on the proposed research model, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were found to have a positive influence on attitude. Also, it was found that attitude has a positive influence on purchase intention. The study recommended that managers and marketers of sports apparel companies use experts in the field to run their promotional campaigns. Furthermore, they need to make it easy for their consumers to access sports apparel and provide them with enough information so that their consumption is informed by knowledge. Moreover, managers and marketers need to create favourable consumer attitudes towards their products or brands by using reputable celebrities to endorse them and genuinely engage in charitable initiatives.

Keywords: Consumer behaviour, Generation X, Generation Y, consumers, sports apparel, generational cohorts

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