Factors Affecting Customers’ Intention towards Online Purchase: An Empirical Study on Bangladesh

Md. Hafez,  Sadia Jahan Moni, Fareeha Mamataz, Musarrat Tabassum, Tabassum Monira

Vol 19 | Issue 1 pp. 75-89


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence online purchase intention in the context of Bangladesh, specifically focusing on the relationship between eWOM, Website Quality, Promotional Activities, Trust, Security, and online purchase intention. Convenience sampling method was employed to gather data from 260 participants through online and offline surveys between January and February 2023. The study employed different statistical methods to analyze research data including Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha, and Multiple Regression analysis. The results indicate that eWOM, Website Quality, Promotional Activities, and Trust have a significant impact on online purchase intention. Interestingly, security was not found to be a significant factor in determining online purchase intention. These findings contribute to online marketers’ knowledge of the factors that influence customers’ intention to buy products and services from online platforms and can assist them in developing value-driven online marketing strategies.

Keywords: eWOM, Website Quality, Promotional Activities, Trust, Security, Online purchase intention

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