Patrick Joel Turkson, Felix Amoah, Marlé van Eyk
Vol 19 | Issue 2 pp. 44-53
This research aimed to examine the effect of gender and age on shopping mall customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic value. The quantitative study was followed, and data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. Only respondents who had shopped in shopping malls between November 2020 and January 2021 were recruited to complete the questionnaire. The final data analysis included 500 usable questionnaires. The study revealed a significant difference between the gender and utilitarian value of shoppers within the shopping malls. Similarly, significant differences were found amongst the ages of the respondents and in both hedonic and utilitarian value. Based on the empirical findings, it is recommended that shopping mall managers segment the activities of the shopping mall in terms of the gender of consumers to enhance effective targeting and satisfy consumer desires and needs. It is also suggested that managers of shopping malls strive to identify the pressing needs and desires of the various age groups who shop at the malls. This will assist shopping mall managers in their planning to fulfill customers’ expected hedonic and utilitarian value.
Keywords: Age, gender, Ghana, hedonic value, shopping mall, utilitarian value.
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