Dr Kirsty-Lee Sharp, Itani Listen Ramuthivheli, Prof. Bongazana Dondolo
Vol 19 | Issue 2 pp. 15-26
This study aims to investigate factors influencing students’ loyalty to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. In this study, five TVET colleges located in Gauteng were selected using a non-probability judgement sample. A self-administered questionnaire was handed out to 462 full-time undergraduate students at each of the five TVET colleges during class time. This study explored how factors such as brand communication, service quality and overall satisfaction affect brand loyalty. Structural equation modelling using partial least squares (PLS) was used to test the relationships. The analysis revealed that brand satisfaction and service quality significantly affect students’ perceptions of brand loyalty. The results of this study, however, did not show an association between brand communication and brand loyalty. This study adds to new knowledge as it appears to be the first to examine brand loyalty in the South African TVET context, providing new insights into the literature about brand loyalty in higher education. The findings of this study have the potential to benefit TVET colleges facing challenges with student retention.
Keywords: students’ perceptions, brand communication, service quality, brand satisfaction, brand loyalty, technical and vocational training, TVET, South Africa
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