The impact of security, audio-visual, time-saving orientation, relative advantage, and trust in fast food websites on purchase intention.

Sive Maqula, Dr. Ankit Katrodia

Vol 19 | Issue 1 pp. 34-55


Background: The marketing value of the characteristics of a website is vital to both business and academia. Several useful characteristics of websites have been investigated independently and mostly for developed economies. Consequently, developing economies have to depend on results obtained outside of their developmental contexts. Fast food website-based marketing and transactions have to a large extent, applied what has been available from disjointed findings based on other industries.

Purpose of the study: The objective of this article was to empirically investigate whether security, audio-visual, time-saving orientation, relative advantage, and trust in fast food websites have an impact on purchase intention in South Africa.

Methodology: Study respondents were selected following the convenience sampling method. About 202 students from a South African university in Gauteng participated in the study. The study used the SPSS 25 and AMOS 28 statistical packages for data analysis.

Results: The results prove that the selected independent variables positively impact fast food purchase intention and thus validated the proposed model.

Implications: These results glaringly invite further academic scrutiny to unearth other characteristics that positively or negatively influence fast food purchase intention. The outcomes could further be qualitatively scrutinized to understand why these characteristics work.

Managerial implications: Enormous opportunities also arise for other industries that use websites for marketing and transactions. This should assist managers in creatively applying limited resources to outperform the competition as will be explained in the text.

Keywords: Security; Audio-visual; Time-saving orientation; Relative advantage; Trust; Purchase intention.

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