Beyond convenience: Understanding the multifaceted appeal of online grocery shopping applications

Prof Nombulelo Dilotsotlhe*
Dept.of Marketing and Retail Management
University of South Africa

Dr Tatenda T. Chabata*
Dept.of Marketing and Retail Management
University of South Africa

Vol 20 | Issue 2 | 105-123

* Corresponding author


Online consumer shopping patterns have changed significantly due to technological innovations. This current study examines the interplay between hedonic and utilitarian value and the role of perceived usefulness in determining consumers’ trust in shopping, mainly through online grocery delivery applications. Trust in technology-oriented devices is of great interest, and this study adds new knowledge to the extant literature. A total of 462 online grocery delivery application users completed the online survey. A convenience sampling method was used. Online questionnaires were analysed using the structural equation modelling software AMOS. Empirical findings established that the perceived usefulness of online grocery delivery apps positively and statistically influenced perceived trust. Utilitarian benefits were found to have a stronger predictor of perceived usefulness than hedonic benefits. Scholarly contributions were provided to those in the grocery retail industry and academics in related scholarly fields, specifically regarding novel research on trust building anchored in perceived usefulness among consumers. The study further provides guidelines for future research that will ideally benefit the online grocery retail sector.

Keywords: Online grocery shopping, Applications, Trust, Usefulness, Hedonic value, Utilitarian value, convenience

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