Exploring the factors behind entrepreneurial success: A thematic analysis

Dr Nisha Goyal
School of Commerce and Management Studies
Dayananda Sagar University

Vol 20 | Issue 2 | 33-51

Dr A Nagaraj Subbarao
School of Commerce and Management Studies
Dayananda Sagar University

  • Corresponding author

An individual’s intention and decision to become an entrepreneur is based on intrinsic motivational factors. It is believed that entrepreneurs are driven by intrinsic motivational factors. The factors influencing entrepreneurial motivation is used to understand and explain entrepreneurial behaviour. The present study is an attempt to find vfactors that empower entrepreneur heuristics towards entrepreneurial action. For this purpose, a qualitative research study based on thirty interview transcripts has been conducted. The findings of the study add value by offering a methodological framework by adopting the content analysis technique around themes like personality, strategy teambuilding etc. The identified analytical tool and capabilities of the entrepreneur in the growth of entrepreneurs will be utilized for adding to the existing literature on the i ntent and intrinsic motivational factors of entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial intent, Entrepreneurial skill sets

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