Online shopping experiences: A quantitative investigation into hedonic value, trust, and risk in the South African retail industry

K.J.M.vanRooyen, F.Amoah

Vol 17 | Issue 2 pp. 17-29


The purpose of this quantitative study is to investigate the experiences of online shoppers as regards hedonic value, trust, and risk associated with their online shopping. Furthermore, the study sought to investigate whether the respondents of different gender, age, education, and income have different online shopping experience (hedonic value, trust, and risk). Data was collected through an online survey in South Africa of consumers who has shopped online from 2019 to 2020. A total of 164 usable questionnaires were included in the final quantitative data analysis. The results of the study show that online shopping provides a promising avenue for consumers to find the latest products and services. However, the overall hedonic experience was inadequate in providing dimensions such as escape, learning experience, adventure-seeking, and fun activities. Considerable effort is essential to win the trust of online shoppers in South Africa. The ability to judge product quality and compare its quality emerged as a concerning risk factor to customers. The experience of hedonic value for male online shoppers was slightly lower than for females. Significant differences were found between the income and hedonic value of online shoppers.

Based on these findings, recommendations were offered that will hopefully enhance online shopping.

Keywords: Online shopping, Experience, Hedonic value, Trust, Risk, Quantitative research, South Africa

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