Dr Mthobisi Nhlabathi
Vol 20 | Issue 1 | pp. 148-163
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the global economy, with the music industry particularly impacted by the halt in live events and physical sales. This contributed to an increase in the consumption of music through digital platforms, both globally and especially in South Africa. However, the readiness of South African consumers to fully embrace online music platforms remained unclear. This research assessed the technological readiness of South African music enthusiasts and its influence on their attitudes and intentions towards digital music platforms. Utilizing the technology readiness model and theory of reasoned action, data was gathered from 358 respondents (aged 18-60) in Johannesburg using a paper-based self-administered survey. A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was conducted using AMOS version 28 where the analysis revealed that optimism and innovativeness positively and significantly impacted attitudes towards digital platforms, whereas insecurity had a significantly detrimental effect. Although discomfort’s influence was positive, it was not significant. Crucially, a positive consumer attitude significantly bolstered the intention to use online music platforms.
Keywords: technology readiness index, consumer attitude, behavioural intention, digital music platforms, South

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