Perceptions of service quality dimensions and patronage of street food vendors in South African townships

C.E. Eresia-Eke, G. Milongo, and N.B. Mogotsi

Vol 16 | Issue 1, pp. 100-112


Street  food  vendors  are  common  in South  Africa’s  townships  and  are  typically patronised by individuals  in lower- income brackets. The extent to which service quality considerations play a role in the patronage of such informal, survivalist food businesses remains largely unexplored as service quality studies tend to focus more on well- established businesses.  In  response  to  this  shortcoming,   this  empirical  study   investigates  whether   customers’ perceptions of service quality – based on the dimensions of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy – are related to repeat patronage of street food vendors. The researchers assumed a positivist philosophical disposition and relied on data collected from a purposive sample of patrons to investigate the possible existence of relationships between service quality dimensions and repeat patronage. Results revealed favourable perception scores for tangibles, assurance and reliability but not for responsiveness and empathy. The service quality perceptions of first-time customers were  also  shown  to be statistically  different from those  of repeat  patrons.  Interestingly, while findings point to the existence of statistically  significant relationships between  service  quality dimensions and  repeat patronage, the  weak  and  moderate strengths of the  identified relationships  highlight that  patronage considerations for the studied  population  possibly  lie outside  the five dimensions of service  quality.

Keywords:       customer perceptions; street vending; food; service quality; patronage; townships

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