How fashion bloggers can influence Generation Y’s online behaviour

M. Malek and N. Ligaraba

Vol 16 | Issue 1 pp. 26-39


The purpose of this study is to examine how fashion bloggers can influence Generation Y’s online behaviour. Fashion blogs give the fashion industry a unique opportunity to reach out to a target audience in a new, easy, and inexpensive way, however, research on how fashion bloggers can influence Generation Y’s online behaviour is still limited. Based on various theories, a model was proposed for the study. A survey involving 300 fashion blog readers as participants was analysed in the empirical study to investigate whether perceived blog design layout, blogger awareness, perceived blogger credibility and perceived value/expertise influence attitude and purchase intention. Structural equation modelling results revealed that the proposed relationships were significant with the exception of blog design layout on attitude. As for blog design layout, marketing strategies could emphasise the importance of user experience and content strategy in influencing the attitude of Generation Y.  The study should assist fashion bloggers to understand how perceived blog design layout, blogger awareness, perceived blogger credibility and perceived value/expertise can influence attitude, eventually leading to purchase intention. Brands will therefore need to select bloggers cautiously. This study has implications for bloggers, brands, and policy makers.

Keywords:        Online behaviour, blog, blogging, blogger, fashion blog, fashion blogger, fashion blogging, fashion, online marketing, user experience, content strategy, attitude, Generation Y, South Africa

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