The effects of hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations on online purchasing intentions : a Turkish case study

N. Sütütemiz and M. Saygılı

Vol 16 | Issue 1, pp. 61-83


This paper  was structured to examine  the effects of shopping  motivations that are classified as hedonic  and utilitarian on the online buying intentions of consumers. In this context, one of the three aims of the study was to reveal traditional shopping motivations for online shopping, and the second aim was to test whether traditional shopping motivations  are also valid for online shopping, whereas  the last aim was to examine  the effects of traditional shopping motivations on purchasing intention. The population of the study was consumers who are shopping online and older than 18 years. The sample was chosen via the convenience sampling method among consumers, and accordingly,

460 participants were included examined. The survey method was used as a data-gathering technique, and the data  were  analyzed  with the  Exploratory  Factor  Analysis  (EFA), Confirmatory  Factor  Analysis  (CFA) and  Structural Equation  Modelling (SEM) methods. The findings showed  that the motivations  of traditional  shopping  are  also  valid for online  shopping  and  have  an  effect  on purchasing  intentions.  Primarily, it was  found  that  the  relative  effect  of utilitarian motivation is high.

Keywords:        Hedonic Shopping Motivations, Utilitarian Shopping Motivations, Online Purchase Intention, Online Shopping

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