M. Chinakidzwa, M. Phiri
Vol 16 | Issue 3 pp. 1-17
The paper seeks to understand from a digital world perspective the impact of market orientation and market sensing capabilities on market performance. This is important because market orientation and market sensing capabilities are widely researched and accepted marketing resources. However, their impact in the digital marketing environment remains blurred. A cross sectional survey was therefore conducted from a sample of 298 small to medium enterprise agro-processors in Harare, Zimbabwe. A PLS-SEM was conducted using SmartPLS3. Results of this study provide statistically significant evidence to support the influence of market orientation on market sensing capabilities and market performance. The results further revealed that market orientation indirectly influenced market performance through market sensing capabilities. However, the direct linkage between market orientation and market performance was weak, whilst a strong relationship existed between market orientation and market sensing capability. On the other hand, there was a moderate relationship between market sensing capability and market performance. These results imply that marketers must go beyond market orientation to develop market-sensing capabilities for improved market performance. Market orientation, as an asset, requires marketing capabilities and activities to convert it into profitable market performance outcomes. This study contributes to literature on market orientation, market sensing, market performance and digital marketing.
Keywords: market orientation, digital marketing environment, market performance
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