T. Dobbelstein and V. Naidoo
Vol 16 | Issue 3, pp. 68-84
COVID-19 was a sudden and unexpected pandemic that upset the very foundations of human existence world-wide. Both Germany and South Africa felt devastating impacts during COVID-19 in the business sector. The effects of COVID-19 on millennials’ behaviour patterns is of importance. This paper will shed more light on the impact of fear and stress during COVID-19 on millennials’ purchases of certain products. The study employed an online survey. The sample included millennials who had internet access, born during 1980-2002 from SA and Germany. Non- probability convenience sampling was employed in the study. Germany had 949 and South Africa, 676 respondents. Thus, totalling a convenience quota sample of 1625. Corona specific personality traits registered different results. The study results revealed that the fear dimension was much higher in South Africa than in Germany. Fear also had a high influence on the buying behaviour of different products groups like groceries, toiletries, personnel protective equipment and alcohol– with high differences registering between Germany and South Africa during the different COVID 19 specific restrictions.
Keywords: Consumer behaviour, COVID-19, Food, Millennials, PPEs
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