A.P. Opute, C.G. Iwu, O. Adeola, V.V. Mugobo, O.E. Okeke-Uzodike, O. Fagbola, and O. Jaiyeoba
Vol 16 | Issue 3, pp. 85-100
Academic discourse has given much attention to crisis management, a logical trend given that crises have profound implications on businesses and on consumers’ behaviour. A core premise that has featured prominently, and indeed remains a core research interest, is public health-related crisis. Underpinned on that business and consumers’ behaviour implication foundation, this study aims to contribute to the public health crisis management literature, albeit from a retail marketing purview. Specifically, this study examines the business implications of the Corona- Virus-Pandemic that has paralysed the global economy. To do that, the authors utilise a literature review approach to understand the pandemic containment strategies and economic impacts (including implications for businesses).
The authors invoke leadership (including infrastructure) and strategic and pro-active marketing theories to propose a retail marketing approach that would enable businesses as well as customers effectively contain the movement restriction implications of such pandemic in the future. The authors contend that the leadership approach and the extent and operational modus of infrastructures significantly condition the response effectiveness, impact on business and the economic recovery timescale. To conclude, the limitations of this study are acknowledged. Also, useful directions for progressing knowledge about public health crisis management and retail marketing are flagged.
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