Consumer perception towards online shopping behaviour in South Africa


Vol 17 | Issue 2 pp. 108-118


Customer perceptions affect their actions, leisure and buying habits, which has a great impact on online shopping. Globally, electronic retailing has undergone extraordinary growth in the past few years. In determining the uptake of online shopping behaviour in South Africa, the study set out to determine consumer perception towards online shopping. Through a quantitative approach, the study examines the perceptions of over 4 834 respondents who formed the sample for the study. The results reveal that prices and delivery time were the overall motivating factors to shop. The study also found that factors that influence respondents’ perception of online shopping were flexibility, convenience, and ease of accessibility. The study recommends dynamic pricing that applies variable pricing could be implemented more broadly, to online shoppers. Given the demographics of those who do not shop online, price discrimination using the third-degree discrimination strategy, which is based on the individual consumer, where, for example, students are given a reasonable price option, could potentially activate online shopping of those who do not engage in online shopping.

Keywords: online shopping, consumer behaviour, electronic retailing, customer perceptions.

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